Top-level heading


Antennas, Propagation and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Research Topics: Earth and satellite remote sensing of environment. Equipment: Laser profilometer for ground rugosity detection. TDR probe for ground humidity detection. Simulation tools: electromagnetic simulation codes.

Microelectronic Technology Laboratory
Research Topics: Realization and characterization of thin film devices for large area electronics and sensor  applications. Equipment:  PECVD in UHV system for amorphous silicon and silicon carbon. Cleanroom equipped with: thin film deposition systems by physical evaporation and sputtering. Reactive ion etching system; photolithography yellow room with mask aligner and photoplotter. Characterisation set-ups for optical measurements (quantum efficiency and absorption) and for electrical benches for electrcical (C-V f T, I-V, transients). Simulation tools: ORCAD, COMSOL Multiphysics, CAM 350, AUTOCAD, DIFFIN.

Laboratory of Electromagnetic Fields
Research Topics: Antennas and microwave and millimeter-wave alignment, electromagnetic propagation in artificial media and metamaterials. Equipment: Emerson&Cuming shielded anechoic room, Network Vector Analyzer HP 8510C (working up to 50 GHz), converted in HP8530A with HP85395C update, Single-axis positioner, Workstation, PC and electromagnetic simulation codes.

Laboratory of Electromagnetic Fields II
Research Topics: Direct and inverse electromagnetic scattering, Photonic bandgap (PBG) structures, electromagnetic characterization of frequency selective surfaces (FSS). Simulation tools: electromagnetic simulation codes.

Laboratory for Integrated Micro-nano Devices and RF Circuits Characterization 
Research Topics: Integration and reliability of CMOS technology at nanoscale. Electrical characterisation reliability study of materials and integrated devices. Software: Standard tools of simulation for remote control, Synopsys Software for component simulations.

Laboratory of Radiofrequency Circuits
Equipment: Spectrum analyzer Anritsu MS2687B, 30GHz, Network Vector Analyzer (8GHz), Generator of modulated signals Anritsu MG3481A, Oscilloscope LeCroy SDA 100G, 20 GHz.

Center of Studies “Giorgio Barzilai”
Research Topics: Design and test of analog, digital, mixed signal and SoC integrated circuits on Si and GaAsEquipment: measurement set-up for testing analog, digital and mixed integrated signals. Simulation tools:  6 workstations linux with CAD for analog and digital ASIC design, n° 5 PC’s with CAD for RF and microwave design.

Laboratory of Electronics for the environment
Research Topicsdesign and realisation of electronic systems for GIS/TIS integrated environment applications, data and image processing, RF and audio design. Biomedical and space applications. Equipment:  Audio and RF measurements, electronic CAD for RF circuit simulation, System GIS/TIS development tools.

Laboratory of Nanostructures
Equipment: Optical profilometer for 3D surface characterisation and vibrating systems (Laser Doppler Vibrometer). Potenzio-galvanostatic system for plating and anodizing processes on silicon wafers. LLOYD system for micro-mechanical  characterization of materials, Laser CO2 (25W) for cutting and engraving plastic and polymeric materials. Simulation tools: MEMS-NEMS CAD simulation (Ansys Multiphysics).

Microwave and Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory
Research TopicsDesign of microwave circuits and systems. Evaluation of environmental impact electromagnetic compatibility. Equipment: Network vector analyzer up to 40 GHz – equipment and antennas for wide band and selective electromagnetic field detection up to 18 GHz - TEM cells up to 1 GHz - Microwave probing station.

Nonlinear Photonics Laboratory
Themes: Study of complex ultra-fast propagation phenomena in optical fibers and control of optical information through nonlinear waveguide phenomena, in the domains of time, frequency and space. Laboratory funded by the European Research Council through the "Spatiotemporal multimode complex optical systems" project, Advanced Research Grant 2016 STEMS n.740355.

Instrumentation: femtosecond tunable laser system composed of a pump laser at 1030 nm (PHAROS 10W) generating pulses that can be tuned in duration (10ps-150fs) and in repetition frequency, and by a non-collinear parametric amplifier and oscillator (ORPHEUS) by LIGHT CONVERSION, that generates pulses of 100-25 fs tunable in the range 600 nm-2400nm; YOKOGAWA AQ6370 optical spectrum analyzer; MOZZA Fastlite spectrometer; Fast 8GHz Lecroy-Teledyne oscilloscope; APE autocorrelator and FROG system; High resolution cameras in the visible and near infrared and beam quality measurement setup from Gentec; dedicated high-capacity workstations; optical and mechanical components; multimode and single mode optical fibers.

Optoelectronic Laboratory
Research Topics: Design and characterisation of innovative photonic devices for telecom and sensor fiber optic systems. Equipment: Antivibrating optical bench, visible and near-infrared laser sources, optical amplifiers, optical spectrum analyzer, fiber optic components. Simulation tools: Several CAD tools for photonic devices design based on beam propagation, finite elements and time domain finite differences.

Laboratory of Digital Design
Research Topics: Creation and design of architectures for digital integrated systems. Simulation tools: CAD for synthesis of integrated circuits (Synopsys, Cadence, Synplicity), SystemC development and modelling environment, VHDL/Verilog Modelsim Simulators, environments and development kits Xilinx, Altera, ARM, Logic Analyzer Tektronix TLA720, Windows e Linux, desktop and laptop PC.

Laboratory of Radio-meteorology
Research Topics: Study and forecast of meteorologic phenomena based on remote sensing. Equipment: W-band microwave radiometer, Two-channels REC-2 microwave radiometer, REC-1 microwave radiometer (ku-band), Atmospheric Miniradar (x-band), Near-infrared minilidar viasal LT25k.

Laboratory of Electronic Circuit Theory
Research Topics: Electronic technologies for anti-personnel mine detection and demining. Equipment: DSP Texas Instruments DSP Development Kit, Development Kits for Altera FPGA’s.

ACTS (Advanced Communications Technologies and Services) Lab

Research Topics: Ultra Wide Band communications (UWB), Cognitive radio and networks, Wireless access systems and Medium Access Control (MAC), cooperation and coexistence in communications, distributed positioning systems and indoor localization. Speech analysis and synthesis. Hardware: Linux/SUN workstation. Simulation tools: Matlab/Octave, OMNET++, OPNET.


ISPAMM (Intelligent Signal Processing and MultiMedia) Lab
Research Topics: Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Adaptive Audio Array Processing, Blind Signal Processing, Audio Processing and Computer Music, Neural Networks for Signal Processing, Optimization Algorithms for Machine Learning, Particle Filtering. Hardware:  PC-based workstations, multi-channel audio acquisition systems, a 8-16-32 microphone arrays, 16 loudspeakers array. Software: Matlab, some proprietary DSP library, C and Delphi compilers, educational DSP boards.